I'm moving!

I made this portfolio website when I graduated a couple years ago. It’s been a while, and the time crunch that made me choose WordPress is no longer a factor. I learned a lot, and was able to move very quickly, but it’s time to retire this old man in favour of a platform that allows me to not only display my work, but that is my work. A simpler platform that I can customize to my heart’s content, without the baggage that CMS’s bring to the table.

I invite you to check out forloopcowboy.com – my new portfolio and showcase platform. Hope you enjoy!

Gravity Game - Don't Fall

About the Project

     After a year of messing around with the engine, following odd tutorials and developing different vertical slices that have nothing to do with one another (AI navigation, first person controllers, camera movement, etc), this project is the “putting it all together” stage.

    The main thread keeping this project together is Physics: Calculating the ballistics of a fireball you throw, how far you can jump a gap, destroying objects to solve puzzles, etc. As you can see from the demo in this page, it’s still a work in progress, and not all of the features I mentioned are in yet. But be sure to check back, as I make frequent updates!

A brief changelog...

Third published version (8 July 2022)
  • Improved graphics
  • Destructable structures
  • Dynamic infinite level generation
  • More bloom
  • Checkpoint chairs that heal you
  • More difficult levels

Second published version (23 May 2022)

  • procedural map generation
  • improved movement
  • improved menus
  • graphics settings
  • still has bad island objects but we’re working on it
  • still no win state. but there’s a fun informal challenge to it.. how far can you go? still need to track score. but one thing at a time.
  • some bug fixes maybe
  • Controls on pause menu

First published version (09 May 2022):

  • Unified NPC/Player character controllers
  • Stamina system
  • 2 spells
  • Character-velocity dependent animations (you move slower and your character animates it as such)
  • A demo level that is almost completely barren, but allows you to fool around with the 2 mechanics
  • AI characters that have 2 thoughts on their minds: CHASE PLAYER AND KILL PLAYER (if you’re behind them they will not see you at all)
  • Charge spells to make them hit harder!
  • Charge your jump to jump harder!
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