I'm moving!

I made this portfolio website when I graduated a couple years ago. It’s been a while, and the time crunch that made me choose WordPress is no longer a factor. I learned a lot, and was able to move very quickly, but it’s time to retire this old man in favour of a platform that allows me to not only display my work, but that is my work. A simpler platform that I can customize to my heart’s content, without the baggage that CMS’s bring to the table.

I invite you to check out forloopcowboy.com – my new portfolio and showcase platform. Hope you enjoy!


A culmination of my passion for creation.


A culmination of my passion for creation.

Skills, hobbies, and everything in between

Web Design

I discovered my passion for web dev in my sophomore year of college, and have been exploring this medium in several ways since. Favorite stack: MERN


I tend to take a long time thinking how each component of my applications affects User Experience. Favorite pastime: criticizing UX on famous applications.

Game Dev

Despite not having much opportunity to explore this academically, I have a great time messing around with the Unreal Engine and creating fun programs.


I have explored photography for the past four years, especially portraits. I am proficient with Nikon DSLRs and Adobe Lightroom.

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