WPI Through Different Lenses

About the Project

     This web application is the last iteration of a series of projects designed for the WPI Data Visualization class, taught by Lane T. Harrison, Ph.D, and my idea was to not only collect a lot of opinions from students about the WPI campus in order to, quite literally, draw a picture of what the general opinion of the campus is.

Technical Details

     The whole application was built using ReactJS with mostly custom CSS, but utilizing some bootstrap for specific components that were difficult to style.

    The application has two distinct parts, the survey, where students can fill out information. The progress is tracked as they scroll through the page. On submission, users are taken to the visualization.

     The vis is where the whole magic happens. Users can select different metrics (each of which represents the average value of the answers to the question they represent) and that automatically re-renders the map with the correct colors. Try clicking on each building to see what their values mean!

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