Léo's Graphic Design Works

Léo's Resume

My first attempt to really redesign my resume into something that looks visually appealing. I intended to create a look similar to the UI in this website for consistency! The cover letter also follows the same intent.

Lilian's resume

My first attempt at refactoring a resume that wasn’t mine. I successfully cut it  down from 7 pages to 2, with less words but still the same content. This was my first work in Adobe InDesign.

Phi Gamma Delta Designs

During my time at the fraternity, I created several designs used in a variety of contexts. Linked here are the designs for:

  • Directory Cover
  • Instagram Page Profile Picture
  • Business Card

stickers & misc

I’ve designed a handful of stickers as well. You can find them for purchase on Redbubble, linked here.

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